Sunday, November 27, 2011

Symmetry Descriptor

1. Got code running on Mac (got it running on Linux a long time ago, got stuck on Mac at mex compiling a third-party library in MATLAB).

Problem was building ncut library, needed a flag -m64 (I also put -arch maci64 as well, haven't tried it without, don't know if it's necessary) to pass to the linker in LDFLAGS in compileDir.m (or maybe it was in compileFiles.m), for 64 bit architecture. Seems like -arch maci64 is what Mac's compiler sees, but I'm using default g++, so it needs to see the -m64 as well.

Then it compiles and everything works.

Got all the superpixels of the sample images stored, for later use.

2. Symmetry descriptor

Found an old paper, read section 3, seems good and straight forward, going to try it out, to get a sense of how to describe symmetry.

[1] D. Reisfeld, H. Wolfson, Y. Yeshurun:Context-free attentional operators: the generalized symmetry transform. Int. J. of Computer Vision 14 (1995), 119-130, Special Issue on Qualititive Vision.